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Cyber Essentials Accreditor Suffer Data Breach, Exposes Companies to Phishing Attacks

For those of you who may not have heard of the Cyber Essentials scheme, it is an accreditation-based program created by the UK government and backed by the industry in both the UK and Ireland, to show that basic cyber security measures have been put in place that will block most cyber attacks. It was designed as an affordable alternative to ISO27001, which may be financially out-of-reach for many small/medium enterprises, and is a requirement for any businesses that deal with the UK government. So, it may have come as a surprise to many to find out that the IASME Consortium, one of six accrediting bodies in the UK, has suffered a data breach which exposed the company names and email addresses of their applicants. While no other information such as these companies’ security configurations were leaked, the breach could well open the exposed companies to phishing attacks from cyber criminals.

A list of Cyber Essentials applicants, including their company names and corporate email addresses, may have been leaked to hackers.

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