Did you know that 91% of successful data breaches started with a phishing attack?
Find out what percentage of your employees are Phish-Prone with our free once off phishing security test (for up to 100 users).
Over the last year, organisations all over Europe have identified the need to phish their own users with simulated email scams so their staff can spot and stop complex phishing, social engineering and ransomware attacks before it's too late. IT pros have realised that doing this is urgently needed as an additional security layer. Today, phishing your own users is just as important as having a next generation antivirus and a next generation firewall.
Why? If you don't do it, the cyber criminals will. Staff are your weakest link and last line of defence.
Implementing a security awareness training and testing program now will turn your staff into a human firewall better than any security hardware or software.
With a once off phishing security test - you will have ample evidence for more IT security budget.
(Phishing Test is free for up to 100 users. Additional charges exist for over 100 users.)
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